At Ideal Health & Wellness, we believe the energy that flows through the body is essential for health. Utilizing Acupuncture, we are able to correct energy flow imbalances at identifiable points close to the skin and utilize this practice to treat identifiable pathophysiological conditions.
Learn more about our acupuncture practices below or contact us here for more information.
For couples struggling with infertility, Dr. Frega begins with a comprehensive approach that starts with a complete work up on the couple. There are many issues that can affect fertility and it is important to get the right testing. Some issues are as simple as anatomical issues that can be treated with chiropractic care. Dr. Frega utilizes a range of treatments including adjustments, external pelvic massage techniques, acupuncture, and nutrition. She has helped many couples, who were told they could never become parents, achieve their dream of starting a family.
Pregnant patients benefit from Dr. Frega’s acupuncture care. Not only can acupuncture help with nausea, heart burn, headaches, anxiety, depression, and back pain symptoms associated with pregnancy, during labor acupuncture can beutilized to help stimulate the start of labor and reduce labor pain.
Dr. Frega is happy to work with you and your OB-GYN before, during, and after your pregnancy!
Many people don't respond well to drugs prescribed to prevent headaches or migraines, so acupuncture is a good alternative. Acupuncture at Ideal Health & Wellness can help reduce the frequency of headaches and migraines, at least in the short-term, and is safe and well tolerated.
Many people who experience lower back pain on a regular basis have found acupuncture to be helpful. We are not only able to correct energy flow imbalances at identifiable points close to the skin, but we also utilize this practice to treat identifiable pathophysiological conditions, including lower back pain.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in four, or more than 54 million, adults in the U.S. have arthritis. At Ideal Health & Wellness we utilize acupuncture to reduce inflammation, and relieve various forms of chronic pain, resulting from arthritis.
At Ideal Health and Wellness, we believe acupuncture not only helps remove blockages, but also restores energy flow, balancing your organs, body, and mind. If you struggle with anxiety, depression, panic attacks or phobias, trust our licensed team of acupuncturists to provide you with safe treatment.
Are you struggling with digestive issues and can’t find a cure? Trust our team to safely, effectively and naturally treat your symptoms with acupuncture. At Ideal Health & Wellness, we use acupuncture to nourish related organs, reduce inflammation of the stomach and pancreas and improve digestive functions. Additionally, we will identify certain acupuncture points on the body that speed up metabolism, increase gastrointestinal muscle contraction and relaxation, as well as restore stomach acidity to normal levels.
Originating in China, cupping involves placing cups on a patient’s skin to create suction, increase blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, improve overall blood flow and promote cell repair. At Ideal Health & Wellness, we utilize cupping to treat blood and rheumatic disorders, skin problems, high blood pressure, anxiety and depression, frozen shoulder, and more.
Utilizing Gua Sha, our team treats muscle pain, tension, inflammation, and more by using a tool to move energy around the body, while rubbing the skin into long strokes and applying pressure.
How can we help you?
Interested in learning more about our holistic and integrative practices or would like to schedule an appointment? Give us a call at 563-359-4106 or fill out the form below.